I have read all comments so far, and seeing this mod is not passing low on the players radar, and reading this is one of my best works is very satisfying. Thanks for all your compliments. To avoid making a colossal post, i am going to go straight on technical or non-redundant feedback.
Malfunction wrote:For the flamethrower, I would suggest two things. If possible, some form of afterburn, i.e. they take some damage over time from being set on fire. It would be fairly weak, so people don't just lightly puff enemies and let afterburn do everything. Secondly, as an idea I̶'̶m̶ ̶s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶O̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶A̶p̶o̶l̶l̶y̶o̶n̶ I thought of, you could spray the floor with the Flamethrower to leave a fire there for a short time, which would damage anything that touches it. Could be useful for a player halting the progress of chasing enemies such as Pinky Demons or Lost Souls, for example.
Noted down, thanks.
Malfunction wrote:EDIT: In custom wads were you spawn without weapons, you can't get the SIG Sauer P220 without giving it to yourself via the console, as pistol pickups are replaced with just pistol ammo. If this could be changed so you could get your pistol legitimately, it would help immensely.
Fixed for the next build, thank you!
Toberone wrote:Why not a nightstick for nightshift? that could work for a slot 1, lol.
Of all weapons suggested, this seem one of the most interesting options. Do we have sprited Nightsticks and tonfas by the community? Hmmm....
Toberone wrote:To piggyback on the above post, I have one suggestion for the flamethrower. I think I see what you were going for but I think if the flame projectiles had a crash/death state it would feel a little more impactful. Personally, it kinda looks like the flames are just pushing the demons away till they die.
Will do something about it, thank you
The Philosopher wrote:I tried this mod today and i really liked it, how did you manage to do the snow effects?
The obly thing that confuses me is the Pistols fire modes, what is the difference between the two?
Oh and also check your PM box, i have just sended you one yesterday
The wizardry is not mine, thank TerminusEst13 for such skills. I just recycled and edited some parts of the original script from Harder Event (with his blessing) to spawn snow instead of rain. The script basically searches for sky ceilings and gives you a snow spawner. The snow randomly spawns from the ceiling in many different places. Take care when using the script, too much snow can lag the game.
Pistol fire modes are the other way around for now, but in next build they'll be correct. When the pistol is in single action (cocked hammer), the trigger travels less and the trigger pull is softer, granting you better accuracy at the cost of smaller firepower. Double Action (uncocked hammer) does the opposite: the trigger pull is bigger and the hammer does the full cycle, so you get more power at the cost of accuracy. More answers can be found in previous posts
I have playtested your mod 2 days ago, and i really loved the new version! However i haven't wrote all my notes, so i am owning you a better feedback.
Whoah wrote:A melee weapon could work better if you had a button that just swapped right to it to whip it out. In fact, that's what I do normally. I have my weapon slot 1 key mapped to Q by default, so my chainsaw gets a lot more use as a result. I can understand not wanting to clutter things, though
It will be easy for me to add a control change in the menu. It would be bound as the deafult slot 1, but players could bind it on other buttons. Hell, i even could make a CVAR where the quick attack would kick in and select the melee-dedicated weapon if the player wants so. =)
r&r wrote:Can I recommend some new weapons?
Something like a haunting rifle (Silent hill 1 or 2 like) to a grenade launcher (Resident Evil 1,2 and 3 type)
a Revolver maybe and maybe a long rusty pipe or kitchen knife/clever?
Of all explosive weapons, i've wanted to stray away just from the M79 for now, because i think i have 4 mods that have it already
Thanks for the suggestions though.
Captain J wrote:- If there are too many snow, the game start to lag a little bit. I really don't want to think about the aftermath of having that amount of snow in larger map. Buhh...
All snow effects can be toggled on the options menu; You can disable them, see only a tiny bit or go full christmas!
Captain J wrote:- What's the difference of between Single Action and Double Action of a Pistol? Nah i mean in the game, not as in ballistics. The one's kinda slow, but i don't see any difference.
It's answered on this same post, but it won't hurt to repeat: When the hammer is cocked, the bullet is more accurate and weaker. When the hammer is uncocked, the bullet is stronger and less accurate
Captain J wrote:- Flamethrower is kinda strong, but awkward to use: flame's length is rather short, the impact is not fancier enough, and the reloading takes so long.
I could raise the range and reduce reload time a bit, but pretty much all the downsides are meant to balance the huge firepower.
Captain J wrote:- There are not much of various Weapons and such. Maybe you're going to add more in the future? Icon of Sin is now unfair to fight.
Hard to say. Doom has 4 ammunition types, which mean new weapons should either draw from the same ammo pools or rather adding new ammunitions to the mix. Although cool on paper, the ammunition CVARs would need to go through a complete overhaul.
Captain J wrote:- Hand Grenades are kinda finicky to use: no matter how cooked it shortly, it tend to explode instantly when it hits the floor. Would be nice if there are more delay time so i can dodge the explosion.
Noted down, ZikShadow told me that ever since beta test day one.
Captain J wrote:- The Health counter is not on the HUD, so it makes me rather confusing after i use the Soulsphere.
Will try to come up with something.
Captain J wrote:- Berserk Kit never grant me the powerful kick, for some reason.
Just like in Factotum, the berserk works more as a Medikit than a powerup. But that's not a bad idea.