Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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History tells the story of those who write it....✍️.My Inspiration, My Role Model, My Teacher. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.Dr Amanda Filtane is a seasoned Construction Manager, Lecturer, Digitalist, and Academic, known for her expertise in Construction Business, Project Management & Digital Construction, with a special focus on building Information Modeling (BIM). Dr Filtane is a lecturer at University of Cape Town's Construction Economics and Management Department, where she shares her extensive knowledge and hands on experience, a BSc (Hons) in Construction Management, an MPhil in BIM, and a PhD in Construction Business Models; Dr Amanda Filtane blends academic insights with practical wisdom in her teaching, research and consulting.Dr Filtane is a member of the South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professional (SACPCMP) and the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), underscoring her professional stature and dedication to excellence. She is also the founding Director of Built Environment Clinic, a Non-profit company focused on student and graduate development, as well as the Director of The Dilinte Group and Qhamisa Academy, where she designs upskilling and continuous development programs for individuals, organizations and institutions. Thank you, dear teacher, for your unwavering support, guidance, and belief in me. You've made a profound impact on my life, and I am forever grateful. Your passion for teaching and your dedication to my growth has inspired me in ways I cannot put into words. Thank you for shaping my future with your knowledge and care. Teachers ask questions and help students find answers. Yet learning isn't only about finding the right answer, but also creating the road that leads to the answer. Learning with every step is the true sign of progress. Great teachers inspire: A great teacher inspires students—and other teachers—to be better. A great teacher uncovers hidden talents and helps to make seemingly impossible things possible. It is not what is poured into the student, but what is planted, that counts. Teachers are more than just educators; they are our mentors, our guides, and our friends. They inspire us to dream big, to strive for excellence, and to never give up. Their dedication and passion for teaching make a profound impact on our lives.A good teacher is one that motivates the students to always keep trying and do their best. However, an ethical and virtuous teacher is one who changes a student's life forever and shapes their character into becoming a successful and respectful human being. A good teacher can awaken joy in their students and leave a positive impression that lasts a lifetime. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.- "A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others." –Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. 💫
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Amanda Filtane
Lecturer of Construction Management; Digitalist
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Thank you Sylvester Johnson for such a beautiful, heart-warming and most amazing dedication. I'm in tears and smiling...
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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The game of Business is one that is played with a Team. I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position in service as Business Development Executive at Alliance of Africa Oil and Gas Professionals!Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement 💯%.
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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Life demands Death to Self...🌍.The African continent is an incredible place on the planet, which is known for its natural phenomena and beauty, incredible land resources, deposits of minerals and precious metals, cultural diversity of African countries, multinationality and people. it is argued that Africa can be conceived of as a place, a commodity, a condition and an ideal. Africa was originally dubbed the “Dark Continent” by Welsh journalist and explorer Henry Morton Stanley, who saw Africa as mysterious. Its landscapes and cultures were largely unknown to many outsiders until the late nineteenth century.Philosophers have long held humility as a meta-virtue that is foundational to other virtues such as Courage, Wisdom & Forgiveness. No matter how long it lives, the Greatest Lion will eventually die miserably. That's the World; and That's Life. At their peak, they rule, and chase other animals, catch and devour, gulp and leave their crumbs for the hyenas. But old age comes fast. The old Lion cant hunt, cant kill or defend itself. It roams and roars until it runs out of time and luck. It will be cornered by the hyenas, nibbled at, and eaten alive by them. They wont even let it die before it is dismembered.Life is short. Power is ephemeral. Physical beauty is short-lived. I have seen it in Lions. I have seen it in old people. I have seen it in the corporate world. I have seen the so called Powerful CEO's, CFO's, and the other C's who ruled the corporate world with an iron fist, humiliating people left, right and center meet a miserable exit... Everyone who lives long enough will become weak and very vulnerable at some point. Therefore, let us be humble. Let us help the sick, let us help the weak, and let us help the vulnerable. Most importantly let us never forget that one day, we will leave the stage of life. There is an old African proverb that says "Until the Lion tells his tale, the hunt will always glorify the hunter", (meaning until the Lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter) this is used to metaphorically describe how dominant groups inscribe power through historical narrative. Proverbs 28:1 reads - "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a Lion"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest Lion, or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death. Africa is not just a place. It is a feeling. it is an emotion, it is a state of being, its our pulse, it is our state of mind. Africa is the heart beat of the world, and there are only a few of us who have been touched by her. The evolution of humanity says that Africa reaffirms that she is continuing her rise from the ashes. Whatever the setbacks of the moment, nothing can stop us now! Let us then remember that history tells the story of those who write it. - A person is a person because of other people.💯
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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👑Legacy...The definition of a lasting legacy is the positive impact your life has on other people — friends, colleagues, even strangers. Your legacy is the sum of the personal values, accomplishments, and actions that resonate with the people around you. For others, legacy refers to a lasting impact and the way they will be remembered for generations to come. Legacy can be career accomplishments, financial assets, or a loved one's incredible character. How you define legacy will determine how you spend your life.Legacy is fundamental to what it is to be human. Research shows that without a sense of working to create a legacy, adults lose meaning in their life. Exploring the idea of legacy offers a glimpse not only into human relationships and building strong communities, but also the human spirit. When an individual leaves a legacy, that individual has established an impact that lasts beyond his or her living existence on this planet. If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader. In this way, legacies are vehicles that extend one's identity and one's life's work and meaning into the future to outlive the physical self.Biblical Legacy: What to Pass On. Legacy focuses on what will endure. It's about passing on things of lasting value to those who will live on after us. Legacy involves living intentionally and aiming to build into the next generations for their success. Your legacy is not tied to things you acquire in this life, but rather it is linked to the way you lived and how you made others feel. The mark you leave behind as you walk through this life, that is your legacy, and the family and friends you will one day go on without will be the ones to walk in it. Your leadership legacy reflects how you used those gifts and abilities to make a difference in the lives of others. Your contribution relates to your purpose, your reason for being or your “why.”But the most treasured forms of legacy are found in intangible gifts: values, memories, friendship, love, and respect. A legacy captures your life and the lessons learned along the way, or it celebrates things that were most important to you, such as a cause or an interest. Leaving a great legacy isn't about what you've amassed in physical assets, wealth or accomplishments. Rather, it's how you can use what you have to improve what you see happening around you, and then help those people who will carry that work on into the future. it's about the lives you touch, the culture you cultivate, and the vision you set forth. By focusing on your values, empowering others, building strong relationships, leading with purpose, and embracing change, you create a legacy that endures. Inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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Manners Maketh MANIN the 14th century, an erudite gentleman by the name of William Of Wykeham coined the proverb 'Manners maketh man;Translated simply, the proverb states that politeness, good manners and civility are essential to humanity. Today this expression ("manners maketh the man") broadly means that your mannerisms and characteristics make you who you are, that is to say people are judged by their manners and conduct. But in its earliest use, as manners maketh man, it likely had a broader meaning that manners make us human - that politeness and etiquette are what prevent us from falling into savagery. Today this expression broadly means that your mannerisms and characteristics make you who you are, that is to say people are judged by their manners and conduct. Good manners and proper etiquette matter more than ever in our society, whether it is in academic classrooms, social settings, or in public places. By modeling good character and our values through our manners, we can all have a strong impact on respect and civility in society.A person with good manners shows respects towards feelings and sentiments of others living in the surroundings. He/she never differentiates people and shows equal regard to everyone. Modesty,humbleness,kindness, and courtesy are the essential traits of a well-behaving person.Your manners define your character and influence your attitude as well as the way you treat other people, be it your superiors, peers or subordinates. These behavioural traits are often used by others as a judge of our character and are used to assess whether they feel comfortable in our presence. Good manners, defined as actions or behaviour that is decent and dignified, are pleasing to others. Conversely, bad manners are actions or behaviour that can be obnoxious and disgusting. Good manners should be an essential part of our daily lives, reflecting our upbringing, education, and life skills. I suppose Jesus' book on etiquette could be summed up in His golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Luke 6:31).Tell the truth, even when it's difficult. Avoid duplicity and deceitful behavior. Treat others with dignity and respect. Take the lead, and show value to others. Keep your word and your commitments. Ask for relief sooner than later if necessary. Act responsibly; do your duty, and be accountable.I am a Gentleman. I fight for what is fair and right. I own up to my mistakes and learn from them. I lead by example and take care of those I lead. A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words. A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. The final test of a gentleman is his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him. A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out; And lastly a gentleman is never rude except on purpose. Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.This is Family Business.
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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💯...Something B.I.G is Coming...
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Sylvester Johnson
Research & Development ● Project Development Consultant for the Construction & Mining Sector.● ISO 9001: Change Management Specialist ☆● Construction & Business Writing Services.● Real Estate Development ● Trustee.
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