The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

Tune In Tune In On WDAE-FM, 100.7 Mc. THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 22. 1957 Tune In ON WDAE, 1250 5000 Watts, Columbia Network Good Dear Priscilla: VISITING at the home of MR. AND MRS. ROBERT JONES and daughter LINDA, 1 Ladoga Davis Islands, are Mrs.

FRANK SANDERS of Pompano Beach and MRS. FRANK RICHEY of Ft. Lauderdale. These two ladies have been friends of Mrs. Jones for many years, having originally known each other in Chicago.

They are both active in Ft. Lauderdale activities. The guests have been entertained during their week's stay by many informal parties and -togethers. Tuesday a luncheon was given the Las Novedades by Mrs. ERNEST HAAS, Mrs.

Jones' mother. She also entertained at a dinner party at her home, 5 Ave. Wednesday the visitors enjoyed a luncheon at the Hillsboro Hotel and Thursday at St. Petersburg's Wedgewood Inn. co*cktail parties, shopping, and trips to the beach, along with a luncheon at the Neptune Room, have helped to make the visitor's stay an enjoyable one.

MONTHLY MEETING of the Bandette Club was recently at the home of C. M. held, COGAN, 3701 El Prado. New officers elected were: Mrs. NAOMI O'BERRY, president; MRS.

MARY HOLMES, vice president; MRS. T. E. JACOBSON, secretary; MRS. IRENE REED, treasmeeting will be a picnic at the home of MRS.


AT A BANQUET at Seely's Holiday Ranch, new officers of the Ladies the Knights were installed. They include: Mrs. EDWARD G. SCHUPAY, president; MRS. HERMAN ROMEO, vice president; MRS.

A. J. RODRIQUE, treasurer; CAMILLE CAPPOLINO, recording secretary; MRS. VAL PICCIANDIA, corresponding secretary; MRS. WILLIAM E.

JACOB, parliamentarian. New board members are MRS. L. SIGMUND, MRS. DANIEL ROBICHEAU, and Mrs.


ANDREW C. ORESTANO with a co*cktail party and buffet supper. About 40 guests been invited. Dr. Orestano is the son of MR.

AND MRS. G. ORESTANO 911 14th Ave. He was graduated from Tulane University, and interned at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, La. This June he completed his first year of residency of internal medicine at the Veterans Administration Hospital.

Next week the young doctor will travel to Ft. Sam Houston, where he will enter the service. A BEAUTIFUL AND IMPRESSIVE ceremony last night united MARTHA ANN JOHNSON and BRUCE BANNING in marriage. MRS. CARLETON JOHNSON, mother of the bride, wore a powder blue silk dress with minute tucks down the bodice and skirt.

Her accessories were to match. dyed, WILLIAM BANNING, the groom's mother, chose an aqua lace sheath dress, also with dyed-to-match accessories. A reception was held afterward at the Palma Ceia Golf Club. Palms and candelabra adorned the clubhouse, and the bride's table was decorated with yellow bouquets. Out-of-town guests were: ELEANOR HUGHES and JUDY WILLIAMS of Columbus, JULIE INGRAM of Jacksonville; MRS.


AND MRS. WILLIAM H. FORGY, 932 Golfview Ave. Their daughter, MRS. OBIE STEWART of West Palm Beach, has a little girl, LINDA, born June 19.

MR. AND MRS. ALFRED STEWART of Jonestown, is the other set of grandparents. PROUD PARENTS are MR. AND MRS.

MORRICE S. UMAN of 160 Bosphorus Ave. They and son MYRON have just returned from Princeton University where they attended the graduation of MARTIN UMAN. He was awarded the degree of GIFTS for BRIDES, SHOWERS, and all occasions! Silver Sets $7.95 up Chinaware S9.88 up Stainless Steel Flatware $10.88 up Revere Ware Starter Sets Open Stock China Silver and Crystal Lots of other items Low As Week Pay As $1 a WE GIFT WRAP AND DELIVER ABLE Gifts and Appliaccos 1417 EAST BROADWAY Evening! MRS. FRANK SANDERS, LINDA JEAN JONES AND MRS.

FRANK RICHEY Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Magna Cum Laude, and was also initiated into Phi Betta Kappa. A LUNCHEON HONORING bride-elect ANNLYNN JONES will given by MRS. NEAL GREENING Bradenton at 12:30 P. M. Tuesday, at the Tampa Yacht and Country, Club.


FRED JOHNSON MRS. LEONARD LEVY, and Mrs. WILLIAM KEEN. FRIDAY EVENING the rehearsal dinner honoring Annlynn and Julian will be given at the Columbia Restaurant by MR. AND MRS.

H. M. BROWN of St. Augustine, parents of the groom-elect. Out-of-town guests include MR.



Augustine. Mrs. M. J. LITTLEFIELD of San Diego, MRS.


M. D. WHITE of Clearwater. THE LOVELY wedding last night of SHIRLEY STALLINGS and DONALD STEISS will long be remembered. The nuptial vows were exchanged the First Methodist Church with the reception at the Tampa Woman's Club.

For her daughter's wedding, MRS. MARCUS STALLINGS chose a street length sheath of blue lace trimmed in chiffon. Her accessories were matching and she wore an orchid corsage. Out-of-town guests included: MRS. H.

O. WRIGHT, Birmingham, Mr. and MRS. W. B.


and MRS. ROBERT G. GRIFFITH, Branford; Mrs. J. L.

Shone, Fairmont, W. Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

BEASLEY, Sarasota: and the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George, E. Steiss of Barrackville. FLYING WEST to San Francisco this week to spend balance of the Summer there MR.

and MRS. S. T. GORE and their granddaughter, LINDA MARLIN. They will be guests of the Gores' daughter and sonin-law, and MRS.

J. R. DOWLESS. Col. Dowless is stationed at Travis Air Force Base, near San Francisco.

PINK AND white satin ribbons were entwined among colonial bouquets on the dinner table last night for the rehearsal party given by Mr. and MRS. J. V. ELLIS honoring their son, LT.

BILL ELLIS and his fiancee, DOTTIE JENKINS. The dinner preceded the wedding rehearsal at the Bay- shore Baptist Church. The marriage will an event at 8 o'clock tonight. Attractive place he. cards were used to mark the seating arrangement and miniature pink and white corsages were at places for the ladies.

Guests included members of the wedding party and those from out-of-town. GUEST at the home of JOAN PETTEWAY for the weekend is Nancy Jo LANTZ of Winter Haven. Nancy Jo will be a bridesmaid in the wedding of Joan when she becomes MRS. TOM NEWMAN. The girls are Kappa Delta Sorority sisters at Florida Southern College.

Joan will entertain at a beach party NEW NURSERY EXPERT CARE in REFINED HOME For Children of Working Mothers SPECIAL Expecting Their Mothers Children Can While Board Hospitalized Babies and Children Boarded During Your Week End Vacations For Information PHONE 74-3552 3713. West Platt St. Miss Martini Morning to The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Camden, N. was the scene of the wedding this morning of Miss Benedicta Martini and William Philip Harris Jr. The ceremony took place with the Rev.

Father George Wolf officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Q. Martini of Camden, N.

J. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Philip Harris, 1009 Morrison Court. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose gown of Milano rosepoint lace and taffeta, fashioned with a portrait neckline and embroidered with pearls and sequins.

Her long veil of bridal illusion was held in place by a jeweled tiara. She carried a white satin prayer book, covered with orchids, stephanotis, and phaleonopsis. Serving as maid of honor was Miss Roseann Baselice of Philadelphia, and bridesmaids included the Misses Sally Martini and Mary Therese. They were gowned identically in blush pink silk taffeta with large white brimmed hats trimmed in the matching color. They carried bouquets of carnations.

James Staiti of Baltimore, served as best man. Ushers included Robert George of Philadelphia, and William For a wedding trip to Virginia, the bride traveled in a a white two-piece sharkskin dress with black Married This William Harris Jr. Plans Told Miss Nancy Jean McConnell, fiancee of Donald Ferris Keyes, has announced plans for her wedding on July 11, the date of her parents twenty-ninth wedding anniversary. The bride-elect is the daughter Mr. and Mrs.

George B. McConnell, 1212 East Mohawk Ave. Mr. Keyes is the son of William E. Keyes of Boynton Beach and the late Mrs.

Keyes. Dr. J. Withers Blake will perform the ceremony at the Seminole Heights Methodist Church at 8 P. M.

The brideelect will be given in marriage by her father. Mr. George Hayman, who played for the bride's parent's wedding, will be organist, and soloist will be Donald Serving as matron of honor is Mrs. George B. McConnell sister-in-law of the bride.

attendants include the Misses Ann McConnell, Pat Stanaland, and junior bridesmaid Kathy Koenig. Best man will be Thomas Brandewie of Melbourne. Groomsn -ushers include Robert Brand of Boynton Beach; Milton McConnell; George McConnell Jr. and Owen McConnell, brothers of the bride. A reception will be held following the ceremony in the church social hall.

in Clearwater tomorrow afternoon for her visitor. AN EXCITED Tampa Miss i is YVONNE LEROY, daughter of MR. and MRS. KENNETH LEROY, 6018 Lynn Ave. She left this week winging her way to Orange, N.

where she will be the guest of NORMA McCABE and her parents. They will spent some time on the McCabe Yacht with a group of Norma's friends off Long Island. She plans to also visit in New York City. Yvonne was graduated from Sacred Heart Academy earlier this month. OPTIMISTS Lt.

Gov. A. WILLIS SANDMAN and Mrs. SANDMAN will entertain presidents and their wives of Zone at an informal dance beginning at 8 o'clock tonight in the patio of their home, 4123 Corona. from California the past ten days have the household of MR.

MRS. W. BENNETT, 2604 Toronto, a busy one. Their daughters, Mrs. WILLIAM S.

RALSTON of Long Beach, and MRS. LELAND H. CAMERON of Sherman Oaks are their guests. Several informal get-togethers are planned. AN INFORMAL co*ke party yesterday morning honored MRS.

ROLAND BRANDES of Richmond, who is the guest her daughter, MRS. W. E. GARTHRIGHT, 3402 Kensington Ave. Mrs.

Garthright introduced her close friends and neighbors to her mother. SARAH Miss Garrett And Mr. Adamo Married MR. AND MRS. R.

A. ADAMO -Photo by Eddie Hernandez. Miss Betty Duke Garrett became the of Robert A. Adamo last at the New bride, Orleans Baptist Church. Rev.

J. Earl Tharp officiated before an altar banked with palms, mums, and white gladioli. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eurshel G.

Garrett of 1512 E. Ida. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.

Adamo, 703 Selma. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor length gown of imported chantifly lace and tulle over bridal satin. A finger tip veil illusion fell from a crown seedof ed pearls and sequins. She carried a white Bible centered with a white orchid and lilies of the valley. Miss Neva Lee Gunn served as maid of honor.

Bridesmaids were the Misses Suellen Bennett and Ernestine Rollins. They wore similar gowns in pastel colors of net over taffeta and carried bouquets of matching colored mums. Serving as best man was the bride's cousin, Arlen Bennett. Ushering were Joseph J. Adamo and Richard H.

Adamo, brothers of the groom. a at the Following. reception, for a wedding trip to Miami Beach. Miss Miller Tells Plans for Wedding Plans, were of announced Miss today Betty for wedding Jo Miller to Robert Henry Andrews. The marriage will take place at 8 P.

M. Saturday, July 6, at the Henderson Boulevard Church of Christ. The is the daughter of Gilbert Miller and bride the late Gilbert Miller. The prospective groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Louis James Andrews of Savannah, Ga. Matron of honor will be Mrs. J. Ryals, sister of the Lester, and the Misses Jo Ann Hixon, Nancy Sossamon, and bridesmaids. Doris Dudney Flower will girl serve will be as little Judy Ann Schmidt.

The bride will given in marriage by her -inlaw, Lester J. Ryals. Dr. Thomas P. Hardeman will perform the ceremony, and Mrs.

Edgar Fenn of Pensacola will MRS. WILLIAM P. HARRIS JR. SmithHaynal Engagement Mr. and Mrs.

I. W. Smith of Tampa announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Donna Merle, to Louis C. Haynal, son of Julia Haynal, of Plant City. The wedding will take 7:30 P.

M. Saturday, at the place. Central Christian Church. The bride elect graduated from Hillsborough High School and is presently employed by Peninsular Telephone Co. The prospective bridegroom graduated from Plant City High school and attended Georgia Tech.

He graduated from Coyne's Electrical Technology School in Chicago, Ill. At present he is employed by Peninsular Telephone Co. Following the ceremony a reception will be held at the church. Miss Dillon Married To Mr. Mulholland Announcement is made today of the wedding of Miss Charlotte Ann Dillon to Kenneth Saunders Mulholland which took place May 31 at the All Saint's Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Ga.

Father Mills performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I.

Dillon of 6702 Elizabeth St. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Mulholland, 7207 10th St. Given in marriage by Emory Rhodes of Atlanta, the bride wore a short gown of imported lace and net over taffeta. She carried a white Bible covered with white orchids. Matron of honor was Mrs. Mary Harp of Atlanta.

Bob Hart, also of Atlanta, was best man. The couple is at home now at 7804 Florida Ave. Births Tampa General Hospital June 20 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean, Dade City, girl; Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Guess, 9314 16th girl; June 21-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Redder, 2528 W. Wilder, girl.

St Joseph's June 19 Mr. and Mrs. 1 Robert W. Peters 1015 E. Caracas girl; Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Burch, 3603 E. Frierson girl; Mr.

and Mrs. LeRoy H. Borman, 701 W. Fribley girl; Lt. and Mrs.

Anthony Doren, 3314. Price boy; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Hunt, 404 James and Mrs. Walter Dean, 1410 Ramble girl; Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Kersey, 330 W. Fern, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo F.

Ayala 105 E. Giddens, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rodriguez, E. Columbus, boy; Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Scaglione, 8728 Beverly, boy. June 20-Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.

Miner, 205 S. Grady, girl; Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Stinnette E. Adalee, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baucom, Brandon, boy; Mr. and Mrs.

Patrick McEldowney, 2534 W. Norwood boy; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker, Brancon, girl; Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Barnwell, Dover, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Coates, 4703 Oklahoma, girl; Mr. and Mrs.

Albert L. Baggett, 915 N. Howard, boy; Lt. and Mrs. Edward E.

Huling 3033 Helen boy; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roy Alexander, 3101 W. Hillsboro, girl; Mr. and Mrs.

Cread J. Yerby 8010 Alaska, boy; Lt. and Mrs. Ted Birdsell, 4724 Trilby St. girl.

PILOT CLUB The annual picnic of the Pilot Club of Tampa will be held at the home of Mrs. Louise Ramey, Lake Mound, beginning at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. A special program on water safety will be given. sleeveless bolero and The couple will be at home patent accessories. at 3211 Swann Ave.

Moore-Coffey Wedding Rites MR. AND MRS. Riverside Baptist Church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Mary Rose Moore and Everett Coffey. The Rev. 'E.

C. Abernathy performed the rites. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Moore, 103 S. Trask and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.

J. Lyda of Crossnore, N. C. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of imported chantilly lace and nylon tulle over bridal satin, which formed the fitted bodice and pointed long sleeves. A bouffant skirt extended into a chapel train.

Her finger-tip veil of silk illusion fell from a princess crown of pearls. She carried a Bible sprayed with orchids and stephanotis. Miss Mary Sue Anderson, maid of honor, wore a gown of ballerina length light green net over satin and a corsage of white carnations. The groom was attended by Dick Shuck as best man. Raul Riveiro, uncle of the bride, ushered.

A reception for the immediate families and close friends was held following the ceremony. For a wedding trip to the Gulf Beaches, the bride traveled in a bolero type dress with white accessories and wore an orchid corsage. HILLSBOROUGH Mrs. O. R.

Carden, newly elected president of the Hillsborough Garden Club, will entertain officers and chairmen of the circle with a swimluncheon Tuesday at her Sumon Pass-a-Grille Beach. home, the early afternoon a board meeting will be held to plan next year's activities. POCAHONTAS Past Pocahontas, Indianola Council meet at 8 P. M. Monday at 2714 MacDill with Mrs.

Mattie Josephson and Mrs. Christina Smith as hostesses. DINE IN AIR COMFORT! CONDITIONED RESTAURANT 9711 Nebraska Ave. Phone WE 4-6540-WE 5-9992 4 Biks. North of Temple Terrace Hwy.

Realistic Artists Summer Sketching Classes Tampa Realistic Artists will begin Summer sketching classes on July 15 the Gallery, 254 E. Davis these will be adult classes and will include sketching from live models. Classes will continue through September 15; members and non-members may attend and those interested may contact Mrs. Dorothy Jackson, 2701 North The Ris Armstrong exhibition now showing at the gallery will close June 28 and there will be no further exhibitions until September, CAMERAS All The Famous Makes Pay As Little As 1 00 WEEKLY TAMPA PHOTO SUPPLY Photographic Headquarters 510 TAMPA ST. To mark a a wedding a new heir or no gift is so everlastingly a token of your devotion as a diamond formal ring.

Let us help you select the ring that will thrill her beyond and prove a sound investment as well. Settings can be supplied to modernize your diamonds in natural gold, white gold or platinum. Open Monday Until 9 P. M. Adam adams-Magnon JEWELERS Diamond Appraisals' 510 Franklin Street Phone 2-0816 render vocal solos.

Organ music will be provided by Mrs. George Monrose. Serving as best man will be Edgar Fenn of Pensacola, and groomsmen include Russell Martin, Charles Stewart, and William Parker, all Savannah, Ga. Bruce Ford of Savannah and William H. Schmidt will usher.

After the ceremony a reception will be held in the Palm Room of the Tampa Terrace. NEBRASKA METHODIST CHURCH A reception for the Rev. and Mrs. Allen Bartlett and their family will be given tomorrow immediately following the night service at the Nebraska Avenue Methodist Church. The Rev.

Bartlett is the new pastor at the Church..

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.